Saturday, November 12, 2011

Book Club.....

 As the nights have started to get longer, and the weekends have become more about cosying up in front of the fire, I am spending more time 'indoors'. And while I wait for the evenings TV viewing to start, my attentions have turned to reading. I don't make much time for it throughout the year (unless you count reading Vogue....yea...I think we can, after all I am reading the Portuguese version now and have to translate...GREAT way to learn a language by the way!!!) Luckily, said reading matter comes with pretty pictures.....

Então, Caro Papai Noel, please may I have in my stocking this year the following: anything Chanel related? Based on Justine Picardie's recommendations perhaps books by authors Lisa Chaney or Isabelle Feimeyer, I'll let you choose, or maybe the biography by Justine herself. 

And life would not be complete without the next instalments by one of my fave authors, Tasmina Perry (I'm actually 2 books behind) - Private Lives & Kiss Heaven Goodbye.

So, it's shaping up to be a long and literary Winter......please leave your message after the tone!

1 comment:

  1. I lOVE coffee table books as above...x
